Project Fellow,University of Delhi - Delhi, Delhi
UGC/RMP/2011/40 15th October 2012
University of Delhi, walk-in-interview for the post of Project Fellow
Project Title : “Design and development of a portal of Library and Information Science (LIS) in India (PI: Dr. KP Singh)”
Qualification : Master Degree in Library & Information Science with 55% marks from a recognised university. Practical Experience and Knowledge of any CMS based system such as PHP, Dot Net, Dhrupal, etc.
Salary : Rs. 8000/-
Walk-In-Interview will be held on 31st October 2012, the Wednesday at 10.00 A.M. in the Department of Library and Information Science, Second Floor, Tutorial Building, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007. Advance Application alongwith your CV may send to Dr. KP Singh, Sr. Assistant Professor & Principal Investigator, Department of Library & Information Science, North Campus, University of Delhi, Delhi-11007 by post or through email: