Qualifications for the post of Librarian
Pay Scale : 37400 – 67000 + 10000/- G.P. (UGC)
i) Master Degree in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record set out in these regulations.
ii) At least thirteen years as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or Eighteen years
Experience as a College Librarian. OR
Deputy Librarian completing service of three years in the AGP of Rs. 9,000 and otherwise eligible as per conditions prescribed by the UGC and if any by the University, shall also be eligible to be considered for appointment to the post of Librarian through open recruitment.
iii) Evidence of innovative Library service and organization of published work.
iv) Desirable: A M.Phil/Ph.D degree in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation/Achieves and Manuscript keeping.
The application fee be enclosed with the form in the shape of University cash receipt in original OR Demand Draft drawn in favour of Finance Officer, M.D. University, Rohtak and sent to the undersigned latest by 11.11.2013 .