The 5 Laws of Library Science is a theory proposed by S. R. Ranganathan in 1931, detailing the principles of operating a library system. Five laws of library science are called the set of norms, percepts, and guides to good practice in librarianship. Many librarians worldwide accept them as the foundations of their philosophy. Dr. S.R. Ranganathan conceived the Five Laws of Library Science in 1924. The statements embodying these laws were formulated in 1928. These laws were first published in Ranganathan's classic book entitled Five Laws of Library Science in 1931.
These laws are:
- Books Are For Use
- Every Reader His/Her Book
- Every Book Its Reader
- Save The Time Of The Reader
- The Library Is A Growing Organism
These laws of Library Science are the "fundamental laws" of Library Science. These are applicable to any problem in the areas of library science, library service, and library practice. These laws are like pot containing oceans. Prior to their enunciation, the subject of Library Science had no philosophy. These laws gave a philosophical base, guaranteeing an everlasting future to the subject of library science, the profession of librarianship, and the use of libraries. These laws have provided a scientific approach to the subject of library science. Even though S.R. Ranganathan proposed the Five Laws of Library Science before the advent of the digital age, they are still valid and equally relevant today.
- A corollary of the Fourth Law of Library Science is "Save the time of the staff"
- In the present day context, the term "book" should be used in a broader context to mean a "Resource".
First Law: Books Are For Use Implications
Second Law: Every Reader His/Her Book Implications / Obligations
Third Law: Every Book Its Reader Implications
Fourth Law: Save The Time Of The Reader Implications
Fifth Law: The Library Is A Growing Organism Implications
- Open Access - Open access of books enhance their use. In this system, every reader is allowed to go to the shelves and choose the book of his interest. In case he does not find the desired book of his interest, he can choose some other from the shelves.
- Location - A library should be situated near the central place. If it as an institutional library, then it should be situated near the center of the institutional complex. If it is a public library then it should be in the center of the city.
- Library Hours - The first law demands that a library should be kept open for long hours, and during the hours which suits to its patrons most.
- Library Building and Furniture - There should be a functional library building with pleasant, natural, and electrical light, soothing interior, good looking furniture, comfortable chairs, etc.
- Book Selection Policy - Books should be purchased which are relevant to the needs of the readers. Books should be attractive such as it fills the reader with pleasure.
- Library Techniques - Proper cataloging and classification of books are essential for promoting the use of books.
- Publicity - The First Law demands wide publicity of each and every book of the library. For example, the librarian can bring out the list of new additions and latest arrivals through the Current Awareness Service (CAS) or Selective Dissemination of Information Services (SDI).
- Library Staff - A library cannot come up to the expectation of the first law unless its staff is attentive and cheerful, and cares for the books and readers. Readers should be looked upon as customers. Some readers are shy and are not informed about the complex library techniques. The library staff should help such users to find their desired book. It will not only satisfy readers but also enhance library's use.
- Reference Service - Reference service aims to establish the right contact between the right reader and right book at the right time. A collection of library resources would not be used fully unless the reference librarian makes effort to help the users to exploit the resources of the library. This personal service will lead to the greater use of books.
- Obligations of the State - When we say "Every Reader His / Her Book" or "Books for All", the state or government automatically comes in picture. The state has a certain obligation to its citizens and one of these is to provide equal opportunity to read. Ranganathan has discussed obligations of the state under three head. (i) Finance--providing finance by giving grants and by levying library cess (Ranganathan's choice), (ii) Legislation--enacting library legislation, and (iii) Coordination--of activities to ensure "Books for All"
- Obligations of the Library Authority - The second law has something to say to library authorities in respect to the selection of books and staff. A library has limited finance. It is therefore desirable to know the requirements of the readers before selecting the books. Similarly, library authority should select staff for their library with professional competence and missionary zeal.
- Obligations of Library Staff - Library staff should be cooperative and service minded. Library staff should form a bridge between readers and books, only then every reader will have his/her book. When a reader enters a library, the library staff should approach him with a helping hand. Second Law strongly advocates user education program in libraries.
- Obligations of the Reader - The Second Law expects the readers also to discharge some responsibilities. Readers should be disciplined and follow rules and regulations. Readers should restrain from cutting pages from books, keeping books beyond the due date, etc. All such acts amount to keeping other readers away from their books.
- Open Access - It is one of the most effective ways to ensure that the maximum number of books are seen by the readers. It also happens sometimes that the reader to the shelves in search of a book and in the process of search select many more books.
- Book Selection - Give full weightage to the tastes and requirements of the clientele of the library. Difficulties of the Third Law can be minimized by adopting a well-balanced book selection policy. If the right books are selected it will definitely find its readers
- Shelf Arrangement - If the books are arranged so that the subjects get arranged according to the degree of mutual relationship, then each book would have a higher probability of getting its readers.
- Easy Accessibility - Books should be placed within easy reach of the readers. It has been observed that the books within the comfortable reach of the readers are most frequently used. For easy accessibility, shelves should not be higher than 6.5 ft.
- Cataloging - Proper cataloging of books is very important as even though there may be well planned and arranged books on the shelves but they are incapable merely by itself. Series entry and cross-reference entries are highly useful in drawing the attention of the readers. Analytical entries increase the chance of a composite book getting its reader.
- Reference Service - A reference librarian should know about the world of books and try to find out a reader for every one of these. The reference librarian should act as a canvassing agent for each book.
- Publicity - Publicity is a very powerful weapon to attract readers to the library and thereby to increase the chances of every book to find its reader. For example, the arrival of new books may be brought to the notice of the readers by displaying them, near the entrance of the library, or by communicating the readers through an e-newsletter or broadcasting information about them through the Twitter handle of the library.
- Extension Service - The library attract readers by converting itself into a cultural and social center. A library does this by organizing exhibitions, musical concerts, a magic show, celebration of local and national festivals, etc. Once the people come to these functions, then the library can make an attempt to bring books and readers together.
- Open Access - In a closed access of books time is wasted unnecessarily. In open access, the time of the readers is saved. If open access is not there then the reader has to make the choice of the books through the searching of the library catalog. Then the reader requests the library staff the book which he has searched in the catalog. The staff searches the required book and if the staff is not able to trace the book, then the reader again needs to search the catalog. These problems can be avoided if open access is provided where the readers can themselves go to the shelves to search their book.
- Location - The location of the library is of great importance. It must be centrally located so that it is conveniently accessible to the community served. For an institutional library, it should be in the center of the institution, for a public library it should be in the center of the city. Centrally located library saves the times of the users in visiting it.
- Shelf Arrangement, Classification, and Cataloging - Proper classification schemes should be used in the library. Books should be arranged on shelves according to the classification number. Regular shelf rectification is also essential. In order to save the time of the readers, the library catalog should aim to provide different approaches to the users. It should include analytical entries for composite books.
- Stack-Room Guides - To save the time of the reader, the library should provide an efficient system of stack room guides. It may be quite useful to keep it at the entrance of the stack room, the whole plan of the room indicating the position of the book racks and classes of books in them.
- Issue and Return - Most readers want to read the book at home. For this, the library has to issue the books to the readers. Time-saving techniques for circulation to books should be used so that the user has not to spend more time in getting the book issued (or returned).
- Reference Service - The reference staff establishes a contact between the book and the reader by providing Reference Service and Long Range Reference Services, thereby saving the time of the reader.
- Documentation Service - A substantial time of readers is wasted in the literature search. The library should, therefore, undertake comprehensive or selective, as needed be, documentation services including SDI service to save the time of the reader.
- Library Staff - Library staff should be cooperative. They should help the readers to find their document keeping in mind the message of the Fourth Law, i.e., to Save the Time of the Reader.
- Balanced Growth - The collection should grow in all the areas of subjects keeping in view the needs and requirements of all the readers, as far as possible.
- Casting Off the Old (Obsolete) and Preserving Valuable Books - Weed out old, obsolete, and unused books in order to provide space for new additions. However, librarians should take necessary steps to preserve valuable materials.
- Choice of a Classification Scheme - We should use a scheme of classification, which is able to meet the onslaught of knowledge reasonably well.
- Choice of a Catalog Code - We should use a catalog code which is able to provide treatment to all kinds of library materials yet acquired as well as new materials likely to be acquired in future.
- Modernization - Libraries may have to think of computerization of the various housekeeping jobs like the acquisition, circulation, cataloging, etc.
- Staff - When a library grows, the sanctioned staff at some stage become inadequate. So at that time an increase of staff should be considered. Any standard for staffing should be accepted by the libraries, then the library would be able to get the requisite staff.
- Library Building -- Provision for Future - While planning and designing a library building, there should be a provision for the expansion of the building, both horizontally as well as vertically. The library should provide adequate space for the present as well as the future.
- Safeguards - As the number of readers increase, the problem of theft of books from the library becomes acute, especially in the open access system. So, it necessitates some safeguards, such as entrance and exit should be from one gate, windows should be grilled, and all readers should be checked before leaving.