- Library : Social and Historical Foundations of library, Library as an institution and its evolution, Library as a social and cultural Institution, Role of library in formal and informal education, Five Laws of Library Science and their implications, different types of libraries- functions, objectives and activities.
- Information : Concept and meaning of information, information science, information society, information as a resource / commodity, Role of information in planning, management, socio-economic development, Technology Transfer, Communication theories and models, barriers to communication, Levels of Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Mass Communication.
- Library Legislation: need and purpose, Library Legislation in India- Problems and prospects, Public library acts In Indian states, Delivery of books (Public Libraries) and news paper act 1954and 1956, Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright, Censorship —Print and Nonprint media.
- Librarianship as a Profession: Professional ethics and qualities, Professional education and research. Professional Associations- Objectives and functions, Role of Professional Associations in Library Development, National Ubrary Associations-ILA, IATUS, IASLIC, International Library Associations- IFLA, FID, ALA, RA and LA.
- Promoters of Library Services : National level- RRRLF, International level- UNESCO, Public relations and extension activities, Library and Information Policy at National level, National Knowledge Commission (NKC) and its role.
- Universe of Subjects : Structure and attributes, Modes of Information of subjects, Mapping of Universe of knowledge in CC, UDC and DDC, Spiral of scientific method. Library and Universe of Subjects.
- Library Classification: Definition, need, purpose and function, Normative principles of Classification and their Applications, Canons, Principles and Postulates, Devices, Mnemonics, Fundamental Categories and Notation, Facet Analysis, Phase Relation, Common isolates, Salient features of Library Classification Schemes —CC, DDC.
- Trends in Library Classification: Thesaurofacet, Classaurus, Automatic Classification, Classification in online systems web Dewey. Knowledge organisation System- Concepts, Facet antologies, Folksnomies, OWL, SKOS, Texonomies, Authority Files, Knowledge Organisation in Digital Environment.
- Library Cataloguing: Meaning, Definition, Need, Purpose, Objectives and functions, Normative Principles of Cataloguing- Canon, Law and Principles Standard Codes of Cataloguing —CCC & AACR-II, Physical forms and inner forms of catalogue (Card Catalogue to OPAC). Filing rules and procedures. Sear's List and Library of Congress List of Subject Headings.
- Resources Sharing of Bibliographic Data: Meaning and importance, Centralised Cataloguing, Cooperative Cataloguing, Cataloguing at Source, CIP, Union Catalogue, Current developments —Web OPACs and 239.50. Metadata- Meaning, Definition, Purpose, Use and Types, Metadata standard, Marc-21 and Dublin core, ISBD, CCF, Consortia approach to Metadata — OAI, PMH.
- Management : Meaning and Definition, Levels of Management, Functions and Principles of Management and their application to Library and Information Science, Organisational structure of Libraries, Library Authority and Library Committee Library Rules and Regulations, Annual Report and Library statistics.
- Human Resource Management: Job Description and Analysis Inter-Personal relations 'Staff formulas, Staff selection and Recruitment, Motivation, Delegations, Decision Making, Education, Training and deyelopment, Job evaluation and performance appraisal, Leadership qualities Performance evaluation of Library and Information Centres, Total Quality Management (TOM) in Libraries, SWOT Analysis, Management by Objectives (M80), Staff Manual.
- Collection Development Management : Book Selection Policies and Principles for Print and Electronic Resources, Different types of selection tools and importance, Problems of collection development for Print electronics resources (including Licensing) Online Book stars- Identifications, advantages, Online Book Shops Vs Traditional Books Shops . URLs. Stock rectification, Weeding of resources, conservation and presprvation of Library resources, Bibliometrics Studies, Information marketing. ISBN, ISSN.
- Financial Resource Management: Importance, Sources of finance, Mobilisation of financial resources. Budgeting — Methods and Techniques PPBS and zero based budgeting.
- Management of Functional Units of Library and Information Centres: Functions, Procedure and activities of Acquisition section, Technical Section, Circulation Section, Periodical Section, Reference and Customer Care Service, Maintenance Section, Bar coding technology, methods of charging and discharging systems, Serials, Control, Stock verification, Library building and equipments, Modular Planning.
- Reference Service: Definition and types, Short Range and Long Range Reference service, Virtual reference service, Virtual reference Desk, chat referencing, reference sources and evaluation of online reference sources Developing FAQs,
- Information Service: Documentation- Meaning, Genesis, Scope and Facets of Documentation,, CAS, SDI, Document Delivery Services, indexing and abstracting service in India. Bibliographic Service, Digest Service, List servers and other sms/ email based services, developing portals and virtual library services, Data mining for information, initiation of user, Information seeking behavior, information literacy
- Information Sources: Definition, importance, Criteria for evaluation. Types of sources- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary, human and institution resources, electronic information resources- e-journals, e-books, e-thesis, e-newspapers, Blogs, Wilds, open access reference sources and databases, subject gateway and portals, fee based bibliographical and full text databases, subject related websites.
- Information Systems: Basic concepts, meaning, objectives functions, components of information system-Structure, Function and services- library. Documentation center, Information center Data center, Information Analysis Center, Clearing House, Data banks, referral center, translation center, National and International documentation centers, information systems and programs —NISCAIR, DESIDOC, NASSDOC, NISSAT, CAS, INSPEC, AGRIS, BIOSIS, IN IS,MEDIARS, ASINFO, COMPENDEX, ISI.
- Resource Sharing and Networks: Need for Consortia, importance and objectives, study of information detworks and digital library consortia —OCLC, RLIN, INFLIBNET, DELNET, INDEST, FERA, CeRA and CSIR-EJOURNAL consortia.
- Information retrieval Systems: Definition, objectives, functional evaluation criteria, Indexing system — need and purpose, pre coordinating indexing systems- Chain procedure, POPS!, PRECIS and keyword Indexing. Post Coordinating Indexing Systems- Uniterm Indexing, Citation Indexing, Automating indexing —Techniques and methods, Vocabulary Control — meaning, importance and tools —Subject Heading Lists, Thesaurus Construction Techniques, Information retrieval Models — Concept of . Ranking Structural Models, Boolean Model, Probabilistic, Retrieval model, Vector space model. Trends in Information Retrieval System- Developments, searching and Retrieval, Full text Retrieval, User Interfaces, Information Retrieval, Standards and protocols.
- Computers historical development: Characteristics, applications generations and classifications of computers, components of computers — CPU, Input and Output devices, internal and external stodge devices, Hardware and Software aspects, Operating systems, Microsoft Windows, Unix, Linux, Programming language.
- Information Technology: Concept, Definition , Components. and Transmission, media', switching systems, Bandwidth, Multiplying, Modulation, Protocols, Wireless communication, Data Security, service, Teletext, Videotext, Voice Mail.
- Library Automation: Definition, need purpose and advantages, Automation of Library Operations —Acquisition, Cataloguing, OPACs, Circulation and Serial Control, Application of Barcode and RFID Technology for library functions. Application of artificial intelligence to library and information centers.
- Ms Office: word, Excel, Power Point and Access.
- Network: Concept, meaning and definition, Digital and analogue signals,. asynchronous and synchronous transmission. Transmission Models — Simplex half duplex and Full duplex channels, hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia, Integrated Services, Digital Network(ISSN) Open System Interconnection (OSI).
- Types of Computers Networks — LAN,MAN,WAN, Network topologies circuit switching and packet switching, wireless networks, mobile phone. Firewall an antivirus software. Study of the function and activities of library Networks — OCLC, RLIN, BLAISE, ERNET, JANET, NICNET.
- Library Automation Software: Creation of Database- CDS/ISIS, WINiSIS. Use of library softwares (in detail)- Koha, Libsys, SOUL Database searching- webcats and web OPACs, LC Catalogues. Use of search enginesGoogle, Yahoo etc.
- Information Notion and Nature of Information: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. Information explosion and need for Information Organisation, Internet- components and services.
- Introduction to Digital libraries: electronic documents File and file formats Electronic publishing 'and scholarly 'eommunications. Web2.0 and library 2.0. Concepts and applications —wikis, RSS Blogs Social book marking tags folksonomy Meshups, Social Networking.
- Information Search through general search engine, search engine for scholarly literature , Meta Search engines, Web indexes, Advanced Search techniques- Keyword Search, Boolean operators, Proximity search Phrase search, Field searching, Concept searching ,wild card search, Truncation, Searching of Database, Catalogues, Browsing- Web Browser, Meta Data, Digital object Identifier (DOI).
- Digital Library Software (Open Source) : Green Stone,•Dspace and E-prints: :their fnstallatioh and use in building digital collection and procedures, evaluation methods, preservation of digital materials.
- Open Access Initiatives (OAI), Institutional repositories, history, need • and development Institutional repositories in India.
- Digital Libraries, Initiatives in India, UGC and NDL.
- Research: meaning, definition, nature and objectives. Types of Research, Keview of LOrature; Selection of Research Problem, Hypothesis, Research Design.
- Research Method: Quantitative and Quantitative Methods of 1.15 Research Scientific Method, Historical method, Descriptive Method, Survey Method, Observation Method, Experimental Method, Case Study method, Delphi Method and Interview Method.
- Research techniques and tools: Questionnaire, types of questionnaire Structured and unstructured questions, interview schedule, pilot studies, Rating scales and Check Lists, Sampling techniques population Vs Sampling.
- Statistical analysis of Data: Measure of central tendency , mean median, mode, measures of Dispersion, the variance and covariance, Standard Deviation, Chi-square test, Graphical presentation of data and Report.
- Technical writing and presentations: Tools, Techniques and Standards Writing a technical paper; Making PP1s, Foot Notes and references, Study citation Style manuals —APA, MLA and Chicago citation'.
- Bibliometric Webometrics, Information and Scientomatrics: Basics Concepts, meaning, definition and scope, Study and Application of Bibliometric Laws — Lotka's Law, Bradfords Law, Zipfs Law.
- Citation analysis ,Growth and obsolescence of literature, various growth models, the half life analogy, determining of ageing factor and half life, Sociometry, Statistical Packages - SPSS.