Thursday, 21 April 2022



प्राविधिक शिक्षा विभाग, उ0प्र0 - परीक्षा 2021

Examination Scheme for the Post of Librarian

(Paper-I) 100 Question each have 03 Marks

Unit 1- Library and Information Society :
  1. Information, Information Science, Information Society.
  2. Information as a Resource/Commodity.
  3. Information Transfer Cycle-Generation , Collection, Storage and Dissemination.
  4. Role of Information in Planning, Management, Socio-economic Development, Technology Transfer.
  5. Communication- Channels, Barriers.
  6. Intellectual Property Rights —Concept, Copyright, Censorship-Print and Non/Print Media.
  7. Library and Information Policy at the National Level.
Unit2- Library and Information Management:
  1. Management-Principles, Functions, Schools of Thought.
  2. Planning, Organization, Structure.
  3. Decision Making.
  4. System Study-Analysis, Evaluation and Design.
  5. Collection Development-Books, Serials, Non-Book Materials Selection, Acquisition, Maintenance.
  6. Human Resource Management — Manpower Planning, Job Analysis, Job Description, Selection, Recruitment, Staff
  7. Total Quality Management.
  8. Marketing of Information Products and Services.
  9. Library Buildings, Equipment's.
Unit 3- Knowledge Organisation :
  1. Organisation of Knowledge/Information.
  2. Modes of Formation of Subjects.
  3. Library Classification-Cannons and Principles.
  4. Library Classification Schemes-DDC, UDC and CC.
  5. Library Cataloguing-Canons and Principles.
  6. Library Cataloguing Codes-CCC and AACR II
  7. Indexing-Pre-Coordinate, Post-Coordinate.
  8. Databases-Search Strategies, Boolean Operators.
  9. Knowledge Management.
Unit 4- Professional Aspects of Library and Information Science :
  1. Historical Development of Libraries in India.
  2. Committees and Commissions of Libraries in India.
  3. Library Legislation and Library Acts in Indian States.
  4. Laws of Library Science.
  5. Professional Associations-Local, National and International.
  6. Role of agencies such as UGC, RRRL F and UNESCO in the promotion and development of Libraries in India.
  7. Library and Information Science Education-Problems and Prospects in India.
  8. Public Relations and Extension Activities for Library and Information Professionals.
Unit 5- Information Sources :
  1. Information Sources-Nature, Characteristics, Types and
  2. Sources of Information-Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary, Documentary and Non-Documentary.
  3. Reference Sources-Bibliographical, Biographical, Educational, Language, Geographical and Current.
  4. Electronic Information Resources-Subject Gateways, Web Portals, Bulletin Boards, Discussion Forums.
  5. Social Media- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Etc.
  6. Databases-Bibliographic, Numeric, Full Text, Multimedia; Open Access Databases, Etc.
  7. Institutional and Human Resources.


INFLIBNET Syllabus for the post of Scientist-C (Library Science)


Advt. No. 01/2021: Schedule, Syllabus and Instructions to candidates for the post of Scientist-C (Library Science)

Indicative Syllabus for the post of Scientist-C(LS)



  1. Types of Libraries — Academic. Public and Special,
  2. Library Legislation and Library Acts in Indian States; The Press and Registration of Books Act:
  3. Laws of Library Science.
  4. Professional Associations - National — ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS; International — IFLA, ALA, CILIP, ASLIB, SLA; Role of UGC, RRRLF and UNESCO in Promotion and Development of Libraries.
  5. Library and Information Science Education in India
  6. Library Extension Activities.
  7. Trends in Library and Information Science.
  1. Data, information, Knowledge and Wisdom.
  2. Information Life Cycle - Generation. Collection, Storage and Dissemination.
  3. Information Science - Relationship with other subjects. Information Society and Knowledge Society.
  4. Communication — Concept, Types, Theories, Models, Channels and Barriers: Trends in Scholarly communication.
  5. IPR and Legal Issues - Categories. Conventions. Treaties, Laws.
  6. Right to Information Act (RTI); Information Technology Act.
  7. National Knowledge Commission; National Mission on Libraries
  1. Information Literacy - Areas. Standards, Types and Models; Trends in Information Literacy
  2. Information Sources - Nature. Characteristics. Types and Formats.
  3. Sources of Information    -    Primary.       Secondary        and Tertiary: Documentary and Non-Documentary.
  4. Reference Sources - Bibliographical, Biographical. Educational, Language and Geographical.
  5. Electronic  Information         Resources -     Subject Gateways.       Web Portals. Bulletin Boards Discussion Forums /Groups.
  6. Databases: Bibliographic, Numeric, Full text. Multimedia: Open Access Databases.
  7. Evaluation of Reference Sources and Web Resources.
  8. Search and Discovery Services.
  9. Library Resource Sharing and Library Consortia — National and International.
  10. National  Information          Systems        and       Networks:         NISCAIR, DESIDOC. SENDOC, ENVIS, INFLIBNET, DELNET, NICNET, ERNET, National Knowledge Network (NKN), Biotechnology Information System Network
  11. International Information Systems and Networks: INIS, AGRIS, INSPEC, MEDLARS, BIOSIS, ERIC, Patent Information System (PIS). Biotechnology Information System (BIS).
  1. Type of Users - User Studies, User Education.
  2. Community Information Services.
  3. Reference Service — Concept and Types; Referral Services.
  4. Alerting Services - CAS, SDI, Inter Library Loan and Document delivery 
  5. Mobile based Library Services and Tools — Mobile OPAC. Mobile Databases.
  6. Mobile Library       Website,      Library       Apps,         Mobile     Library Instructions,        Augmented     Reality,    SMS     Alerts,     Geo-Location, Reference Enquiry.
  7. Web 2.0    and     3.0     -       Library   2.0-     Concept,    Characteristics, Components; Instant Messaging. RSS Feeds, Podcasts, Vodcasts. Ask a Librarian
  8. Collaborative  Services-  Social    Networks,         Academics         Social Networks, Social Tagging, Social Bookmarking.
  1. Universe of Knowledge - Nature and Attributes; Modes of Formation of Subjects.
  2. Knowledge Organization - Classification -Theories, Canons, and Principles;
  3. Sample Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), Taxonomies, Folksonomy, Trends in Classification.
  4. Mapping of Subjects in Library Classification Schemes — DDC. UDC and CC.
  5. Knowledge Organization: Cataloguing - Canons and Principles; Centralized and Co-operative Catalogue; Library Cataloguing Codes: CCC and AACR - II.
  6. Standards of Bibliographic Record Formats and Description — ISBD, MARC 21, CCF, RDA, FRBR, Bibframe.
  7. Standards for      Bibliographic     information        Interchange        & Communication - ISO 2709, Z39.50, Z39.71.
  8. Metadata Standards: Dublin Core; MARC21, METS, MODES,
  9. Indexing Systems and Techniques: Assigned - Pre-coordinate; Post-Coordinate; Derived- Title-based; Vocabulary Control.
  10. Abstracting — Types and Guidelines.
  11. Information Retrieval System — Features, Components, Madels and Ontology — Tools (RDF, RDFS, Protege).
  1. Computer Technology - Character Representation (ASCII, ISCII,Unicode);
  2. Computer Hardware, Software; Storage Devices; Input and Output Devices.
  3. Types of Software - System Software, Application Software.
  4. Telecommunication - Transmission Channels. Mode, and Media.. ISDN. PSDN,
  5. Computer Networks - Topologies, Types of Networks — LAN, MAN. WAN.
  6. Internet - Web browsers, WWW, E-mail; Search Engines, Meta and Entity Search engines.
  7. Internet Protocols and Standards — HTTP, FTP. SMTP, TCP/IP. URI, URL.
  8. Hypertext. Hypermedia, Multimedia, Video conferencing, Virtual Reality. Cloud Computing Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data. Data Mining. Data Harvesting
  1. Library Automation — Areas, Planning, Selection of Hardware and software.
  2. Implementation and Evaluation; Standards for Library Automation.
  3. Barcode, REID, QR Code, Biometric, Smartcard: Features and application.
  4. Digitization —  Planning,      Selection         of               Hardware. Software, Process. Issues.
  5. Digital Library Genesis, Characteristics, types, Architecture; Standard, format and protocols, DOI.
  6. Digital preservation -   Need.     Purpose.    Standards,      Methods. Techniques. Projects (National and International)
  7. Digital Library Initiatives — National and International.
  8. Institutional Repositories - Need. Purpose, Types and Tools;
  9. Institutional Repositories in India; ROAR, ROAR, SHERPA­
  10. Content Management Systems — Architecture, Data Integration. CMS Software —
  11. Selection, Implementation and Evaluation.
  1. Research
  2. Types of Research — Basic and Applied, Interdisciplinary and
  3. Research Methods:        Historical,         Descriptive,          Experimental  and
  4. Research Design - Selection of Research Problem, Review of Literature;        Formulation   of Research        Problem;               Hypothesis     — Formulation, Types and Testing; Sampling Techniques.
  5. Methods of Data Collection
  6. Data Analysis and Interpretation
  7. Plagiarism: Concept and Types.
  8. Statistical Packages — Spreadsheet, SPSS, Bibexcel, 'R Statistics.
  9. Research Report Writing and Citation Tools — Structure. Style, Contents, Guidelines;
  10. Style Manuals; Online Citation Tools; Reference Management
  11. Tools; Evaluation of Research Report.
  12. Metric Studies in LIS - Bibliometrics, Scientometric, Webometrics, Altmetrics;
  13. Impact Factors — Journal, h-Index, g-Index, 110 Index.
  14. Trends in Library and Information Science Research.
General Aptitude / Awareness/Knowledge about INFLIBNET 10


Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission Syllabus Librarian


  • Library : Social and Historical Foundations of library, Library as an institution and its evolution, Library as a social and cultural Institution, Role of library in formal and informal education, Five Laws of Library Science and their implications, different types of libraries- functions, objectives and activities.


  • Information : Concept and meaning of information, information science, information society, information as a resource / commodity, Role of information in planning, management, socio-economic development, Technology Transfer, Communication theories and models, barriers to communication, Levels of Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Mass Communication.


  • Library Legislation: need and purpose, Library Legislation in India- Problems and prospects, Public library acts In Indian states, Delivery of books (Public Libraries) and news paper act 1954and 1956, Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright, Censorship —Print and Nonprint media.


  • Librarianship as a Profession: Professional ethics and qualities, Professional education and research. Professional Associations- Objectives and functions, Role of Professional Associations in Library Development, National Ubrary Associations-ILA, IATUS, IASLIC, International Library Associations- IFLA, FID, ALA, RA and LA.


  • Promoters of Library Services : National level- RRRLF, International level- UNESCO, Public relations and extension activities, Library and Information Policy at National level, National Knowledge Commission (NKC) and its role.



  • Universe of Subjects : Structure and attributes, Modes of Information of subjects, Mapping of Universe of knowledge in CC, UDC and DDC, Spiral of scientific method. Library and Universe of Subjects.


  • Library Classification: Definition, need, purpose and function, Normative principles of Classification and their Applications, Canons, Principles and Postulates, Devices, Mnemonics, Fundamental Categories and Notation, Facet Analysis, Phase Relation, Common isolates, Salient features of Library Classification Schemes —CC, DDC.


  • Trends in Library Classification: Thesaurofacet, Classaurus, Automatic Classification, Classification in online systems web Dewey. Knowledge organisation System- Concepts, Facet antologies, Folksnomies, OWL, SKOS, Texonomies, Authority Files, Knowledge Organisation in Digital Environment.


  • Library Cataloguing: Meaning, Definition, Need, Purpose, Objectives and functions, Normative Principles of Cataloguing- Canon, Law and Principles Standard Codes of Cataloguing —CCC & AACR-II, Physical forms and inner forms of catalogue (Card Catalogue to OPAC). Filing rules and procedures. Sear's List and Library of Congress List of Subject Headings.


  • Resources Sharing of Bibliographic Data: Meaning and importance, Centralised Cataloguing, Cooperative Cataloguing, Cataloguing at Source, CIP, Union Catalogue, Current developments —Web OPACs and 239.50. Metadata- Meaning, Definition, Purpose, Use and Types, Metadata standard, Marc-21 and Dublin core, ISBD, CCF, Consortia approach to Metadata — OAI, PMH.



  • Management : Meaning and Definition, Levels of Management, Functions and Principles of Management and their application to Library and Information Science, Organisational structure of Libraries, Library Authority and Library Committee Library Rules and Regulations, Annual Report and Library statistics.


  • Human Resource Management: Job Description and Analysis Inter-Personal relations 'Staff formulas, Staff selection and Recruitment, Motivation, Delegations, Decision Making, Education, Training and deyelopment, Job evaluation and performance appraisal, Leadership qualities Performance evaluation of Library and Information Centres, Total Quality Management (TOM) in Libraries, SWOT Analysis, Management by Objectives (M80), Staff Manual.


  • Collection Development Management : Book Selection Policies and Principles for Print and Electronic Resources, Different types of selection tools and importance, Problems of collection development for Print electronics resources (including Licensing) Online Book stars- Identifications, advantages, Online Book Shops Vs Traditional Books Shops . URLs. Stock rectification, Weeding of resources, conservation and presprvation of Library resources, Bibliometrics Studies, Information marketing. ISBN, ISSN.


  • Financial Resource Management: Importance, Sources of finance, Mobilisation of financial resources. Budgeting — Methods and Techniques PPBS and zero based budgeting.


  • Management of Functional Units of Library and Information Centres: Functions, Procedure and activities of Acquisition section, Technical Section, Circulation Section, Periodical Section, Reference and Customer Care Service, Maintenance Section, Bar coding technology, methods of charging and discharging systems, Serials, Control, Stock verification, Library building and equipments, Modular Planning.



  • Reference Service: Definition and types, Short Range and Long Range Reference service, Virtual reference service, Virtual reference Desk, chat referencing, reference sources and evaluation of online reference sources Developing FAQs,


  • Information Service: Documentation- Meaning, Genesis, Scope and Facets of Documentation,, CAS, SDI, Document Delivery Services, indexing and abstracting service in India. Bibliographic Service, Digest Service, List servers and other sms/ email based services, developing portals and virtual library services, Data mining for information, initiation of user, Information seeking behavior, information literacy


  • Information Sources: Definition, importance, Criteria for evaluation. Types of sources- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary, human and institution resources, electronic information resources- e-journals, e-books, e-thesis, e-newspapers, Blogs, Wilds, open access reference sources and databases, subject gateway and portals, fee based bibliographical and full text databases, subject related websites.


  • Information Systems: Basic concepts, meaning, objectives functions, components of information system-Structure, Function and services- library. Documentation center, Information center Data center, Information Analysis Center, Clearing House, Data banks, referral center, translation center, National and International documentation centers, information systems and programs —NISCAIR, DESIDOC, NASSDOC, NISSAT, CAS, INSPEC, AGRIS, BIOSIS, IN IS,MEDIARS, ASINFO, COMPENDEX, ISI.
  • Resource Sharing and Networks: Need for Consortia, importance and objectives, study of information detworks and digital library consortia —OCLC, RLIN, INFLIBNET, DELNET, INDEST, FERA, CeRA and CSIR-E­JOURNAL consortia.


  • Information retrieval Systems: Definition, objectives, functional evaluation criteria, Indexing system — need and purpose, pre coordinating indexing systems- Chain procedure, POPS!, PRECIS and keyword Indexing. Post Coordinating Indexing Systems- Uniterm Indexing, Citation Indexing, Automating indexing —Techniques and methods, Vocabulary Control — meaning, importance and tools —Subject Heading Lists, Thesaurus Construction Techniques, Information retrieval Models — Concept of . Ranking Structural Models, Boolean Model, Probabilistic, Retrieval model, Vector space model. Trends in Information Retrieval System- Developments, searching and Retrieval, Full text Retrieval, User Interfaces, Information Retrieval, Standards and protocols.



  • Computers historical development: Characteristics, applications generations and classifications of computers, components of computers — CPU, Input and Output devices, internal and external stodge devices, Hardware and Software aspects, Operating systems, Microsoft Windows, Unix, Linux, Programming language.


  • Information Technology: Concept, Definition , Components. and Transmission, media', switching systems, Bandwidth, Multiplying, Modulation, Protocols, Wireless communication, Data Security, service, Teletext, Videotext, Voice Mail.


  • Library Automation: Definition, need purpose and advantages, Automation of Library Operations —Acquisition, Cataloguing, OPACs, Circulation and Serial Control, Application of Barcode and RFID Technology for library functions. Application of artificial intelligence to library and information centers.


  • Ms Office: word, Excel, Power Point and Access.



  • Network: Concept, meaning and definition, Digital and analogue signals,. asynchronous and synchronous transmission. Transmission Models — Simplex half duplex and Full duplex channels, hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia, Integrated Services, Digital Network(ISSN) Open System Interconnection (OSI).


  • Types of Computers Networks — LAN,MAN,WAN, Network topologies circuit switching and packet switching, wireless networks, mobile phone. Firewall an antivirus software. Study of the function and activities of library Networks — OCLC, RLIN, BLAISE, ERNET, JANET, NICNET.


  • Library Automation Software: Creation of Database- CDS/ISIS, WINiSIS. Use of library softwares (in detail)- Koha, Libsys, SOUL Database searching- webcats and web OPACs, LC Catalogues. Use of search engines­Google, Yahoo etc.



  •  Information Notion and Nature of Information: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. Information explosion and need for Information Organisation, Internet- components and services.
  • Introduction to Digital libraries: electronic documents File and file formats Electronic publishing 'and scholarly 'eommunications. Web2.0 and library 2.0. Concepts and applications —wikis, RSS Blogs Social book marking tags folksonomy Meshups, Social Networking.


  • Information Search through general search engine, search engine for scholarly literature , Meta Search engines, Web indexes, Advanced Search techniques- Keyword Search, Boolean operators, Proximity search Phrase search, Field searching, Concept searching ,wild card search, Truncation, Searching of Database, Catalogues, Browsing- Web Browser, Meta Data, Digital object Identifier (DOI).



  • Digital Library Software (Open Source) : Green Stone,•Dspace and E-prints: :their fnstallatioh and use in building digital collection and procedures, evaluation methods, preservation of digital materials.


  • Open Access Initiatives (OAI), Institutional repositories, history, need • and development Institutional repositories in India.


  • Digital Libraries, Initiatives in India, UGC and NDL.



  • Research: meaning, definition, nature and objectives. Types of Research, Keview of LOrature; Selection of Research Problem, Hypothesis, Research Design.


  • Research Method: Quantitative and Quantitative Methods of 1.15 Research Scientific Method, Historical method, Descriptive Method, Survey Method, Observation Method, Experimental Method, Case Study method, Delphi Method and Interview Method.


  • Research techniques and tools: Questionnaire, types of questionnaire Structured and unstructured questions, interview schedule, pilot studies, Rating scales and Check Lists, Sampling techniques population Vs Sampling.



  • Statistical analysis of Data: Measure of central tendency , mean median, mode, measures of Dispersion, the variance and covariance, Standard Deviation, Chi-square test, Graphical presentation of data and Report.


  • Technical writing and presentations: Tools, Techniques and Standards Writing a technical paper; Making PP1s, Foot Notes and references, Study citation Style manuals —APA, MLA and Chicago citation'.


  • Bibliometric Webometrics, Information and Scientomatrics: Basics Concepts, meaning, definition and scope, Study and Application of Bibliometric Laws — Lotka's Law, Bradfords Law, Zipfs Law.


  • Citation analysis ,Growth and obsolescence of literature, various growth models, the half life analogy, determining of ageing factor and half life, Sociometry, Statistical Packages - SPSS.

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Syllabus For Assistant Librarian

Bihar Vidhan Sabha Syllabus For Assistant Librarian

 प्रारंभिक परीक्षा मे ं निम्नांकित विषय हो ंगे -

 1. सामान्य अध्ययन - प्रश्नों की संख्या 40 होगी ।

इन प्रश्नो ं का उद्देश्य अभ्यर्थी को उसके आस-पास के वातावरण की सामान्य
जानकारी तथा समाज मे ं उनके अनुप्रयोग के संबंध् मे ं उसकी योग्यता की जांच करना होगा । वत्र्तमान घटनाओ ं और
दिन-प्रतिदिन की घटनाओ ं के सूक्ष्म अवलोकन तथा उनके प्रति वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण जैसे मामलो ं की जानकारी संबंध्ी
ऐसे प्रश्न भी शामिल किये जाये ं गे, जिनके बारे में जानकारी रखन े की किसी भी शिक्षित व्यक्ति से अपेक्षा की जाती
है । इसमे ं विशेष रूप से बिहार, भारत आ ैर इसके पड़ोसी देशों के संबंध् मे ं यथा सम्भव प्रश्न पूछे जाये ंगे ।
;पद्ध सम-सामयिक विषय:- महत्वपूर्ण राष्ट्रीय / अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम-सामयिक घटनाये ं, वैज्ञानिक प्रगति,
राष्ट्रीय / अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार, खेल-खिलाड़ी ।
;पपद्ध भारत आ ैर उसके पड़ोसी देश:- पड़ोसी देशों का इतिहास, भारत एवं बिहार का इतिहास / संस्कृति /
भूगोल / आर्थिक परिदृश्य / कृषि तथा प्राकृतिक संसाध्नों की प्रमुख विशेषताएं, भारत का संविधन एवं
राजनीतिक प्रणाली, भारत के संवैधनिक एवं संसदीय प्रणाली का उद्भव एवं क्रमिक विकास, पंचायती राज,
सामुदायिक विकास, पंचवर्षीय योजना, भारत का स्वतंत्राता आंदोलन एवं आन्दोलन में बिहार का योगदान ।

2.  सामान्य विज्ञान एवं गणित - प्रश्नों की संख्या 30 होगी ।

इसमें सामान्यतः मैट्रिक स्तर के निम्न विषय से यथासंभव प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगेः-
;पद्ध सामान्य विज्ञान:- भौतिक शास्त्रा, रसायन शास्त्रा, जीव विज्ञान ।
;पपद्ध गणित:- संख्या प(ति से संबंध्ति प्रश्न, पूर्ण संख्याओ ं का अभिकलन, दशमलव और भिन्न,
संख्याओ ं के बीच परस्पर संबंध्, मूलभूत अंक गणितीय संक्रियाएं, प्रतिशत, अन ुपात तथा समान ुपात, औसत,
ब्याज एवं लाभ और हानि ।

 3. मानसिक क्षमता एवं तार्किक विचार - प्रश्नों की संख्या 30 होगी ।

इसमे ं शाब्दिक एवं गैर शाब्दिक दोनो ं प्रकार के प्रश्न पूछे जा सकते हैं । इस घटक मे ं निम्न से संबंध्ति
यथासंभव प्रश्न पूछे जा सकते है:- सादृश्य, समानता एवं भिन्नता, स्थान कल्पना, समस्या समाधन,
विश्लेषण, दृश्य स्मृति, विभेद, अवलोकन, संबंध् अवधरणा, अंक गणितीय तर्कशक्ति, अंक गणितीय संख्या
श्रृंखला एवं कूट लेखन एवं कूट व्याख्या ।

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Syllabus For Teacher-cum-Librarian


Unit —1

  1. Development of Knowledge
  2. Structure of subjects
  3. Library classification
  4. Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
  5. Library of Congress
  6. Universal Decimal Classification
  7. Colon Classification
  8. Classification of Documents by using the Web
  9. Library Cataloguing .0. International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBN)
  10. Machine Readable Catalogue (MARC)
  11. Universal Machine Readable Catalogue (UNIMARC)
  12. Common Communication Format (CCF)
  13. Machine Readable Catalogue 21 (MARC)
  14. Thesaurus
  15. Knowledge Management

Unit —II

  1. Basic of Library Cataloguing
  2. Online Cataloguing
  3. Online Public Access Cataloguing
  4. Catalogues & Bibliographic Records
  5. Machine Readable Cataloguing
  6. Union Catalogue
  7. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rule
  8. Multimedia Library
  9. Digital Test Resources
  10. Web-based Library Services
  11. Digital Reference Service 

General English-100 Marks (Grammar & Vocabulary)

  1. Essay Writing
  2. Letter Writing
  3. Precis Writing
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Comprehension (Passage based questions)
  6. Parts of Speech
  7. Spotting Errors
  8. Clogs Test
  9. Antonyms
  10. Synonyms
  11. Sentence Improvements
  12. Sentence Completion
  13. Idioms and Phrases
  14. Spelling Test
  15. Re-arrangement of sentence/words
  16. One word substitute
  17. Active & Passive Voice
  18. Direct & Indirect speech/narration


The paper on General Knowledge will include questions covering current events of National and International important, history of India including that of North East with special reference to Arunachal Pradesh, Indian freedom movement and Constitution of India, General appreciation and understanding of Science including everyday matter of observations and experience as may be expected of well educated person. Geography of nature and Library Science & Information.

Rajasthan Public Service Commission Syllabus For Librarian Grade-II

Rajasthan Public Service Commission

Syllabus For Screening Test For The Post Of Librarian Grade-II


Library as Social Institution, Development of Libraries in India. Different Types of Libraries Public, Academic and Special. National Library of India. Five Laws of Library Science and their implications. Library Legislation- Need, Features and Efforts in India. Copyright Act, Delivery of Books Act, Intellectual Property Rights. Library Association: International and National- IFLA, ALA, ILA, IASLIC. Library Education in India. Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation , National Knowledge Commission.


Universe of Subjects- Definition and Purpose, Modes of Formation of Subjects. Definition, Need and Purpose of Library Classification. Species of Library Classification Schemes. Features of Colon Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification. Five Fundamental Categories, Common Isolates, Notation, Phase Relations. Principles of Helpful Sequence, Use of Devices in Colon Classification. Catalogue- Definition, Need and Purpose, Brief History and Development of Catalogue and Cataloging Codes. Physical Forms of Catalogue. Types of Library Catalogue. Subject Cataloging- Definition, Need and Purpose. Kinds of Catalogue Entries, Chain Procedure, Sears’ List of Subject Headings. Choice of Headings and its Rendering. Bibliographical Standards. 


Types of Information Sources: Documentary and Non-documentary. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Evaluation of Information Sources. Need and Purpose of e-resources, e books, online journals, databases. Concept and Need for Reference Services. Types-Long Range, Short Range, Qualification and Qualities of Reference Librarian. Concept and Need of Information Services- Document Delivery, Electronic Document Delivery, Abstracting and Indexing Services, Translation, Literature Search, Alerting Services-CAS, SDI. Library Networks and Resources Sharing: Concept and Purpose. National and International Initiatives- INFLIBNET, DELNET, OCLC.


Management: Concept, Definition and Scope. Functions and Principles of Management in Libraries. Library Operations - Selection and Acquisition, Collection Building and Development, Technical Processing, Circulation- Charging and Discharging Systems, Serial Control, Stock Verification, Weeding out. Library Authority and Committee. Library Personnel- Job Description, Job Analysis, Job Satisfaction, Job Evaluation. Financial Management- Sources of Finance, Financial Estimation. Budgeting Techniques. Library Building. Library Rules. Statistics. Annual Report. Maintenance, Conservation and Preservation of Library Matarial.


Information Technology - Definition, Need, Scope, Objectives and Components. Historical Development, Generation and Classification of Computers. Components, Peripherals, Input, Output and Storage Devices. Softwares - System and Application Softwares. Operating Systems - Single and Multi-user, Basic features of MS-DOS, MS- Windows Library Automation: Definition, Need and Purpose; Application of Computers to Library Operations. Basic Features / Modules of Library and Information Management Software: WINISIS/  SOUL2.0 General Application Software: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint. Telecommunications - Need, Purpose and Objectives Communication Tools and Techniques: E-mail, Teleconferencing/Video Conferencing, Web  Portals, Social Networking Tools. Network - Concept, Components, Topologies and Types (LAN, WAN, MAN, VPN) Internet - Concept, Definition, Origin, Need and Purpose; Internet Services. 

-100 Questions


Language , Literature & Scholarship : Dialects of Rajasthani language, literature of ajasthani language and folk literature. Various language and literary academies of state  government. Higher education institutions and research establishments of state and center government in Rajasthan. Religious Life: Religious communities, saints and sects in Rajasthan. Folk deities of Rajasthan. Performing Art: Classical music and classical dance,folk music & instruments; Folk dances & drama. Visual Art: Handicrafts of Rajasthan, historical architecture – forts, palaces and temples. Tradition: Costume and ornaments, social customs of Rajasthan. Festival and fairs in Rajasthan. Various tribes and their customs. Historical sites and tourist places. 

Geography of Rajasthan : Broad physical features- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains & Desert; Major rivers and lakes; Climate and Agro-climatic regions; Major soil types and distribution;  Major forest types and distribution; Demographic characteristics; Desertification, Droughts &  Floods, Deforestation, Environmental Pollution and Ecological Concerns. 

General English :-Articles and Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, Tenses, Change of Voice - from Active to Passive & vice – versa, Change of Narration - from Direct to Indirect & vice – versa, Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrasal Verbs, Translation of sentences from Hindi to English

General Hindi:- संधि, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, पर्या यवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, समश्र ुत भिन्नार्थक शब्द, शब्द श ुद्धि, वाक्य श ुद्धि, वाक्यांश के लिए उपयुक्त शब्द, मुहावरे, ला ेका ेक्ति, अंग्र ेजी वाक्य का हि ंदी-अनुवाद।

 -50 Questions

Pattern of Question Papers :

1 Objective Type Paper.

2 Maximum Marks : 300

3 Number of Questions : 150

4 Duration of Paper : Three Hours

5 All Questions carry equal marks.

6 There will be Negative Marking

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

University Of Delhi Syllabus For Professional Assistant and Semi Professional Assistant

Paper Duration Marks
Paper -I (MCQ) Library Aptitude, General Awareness etc. (150 questions) Time: 2 hrs.* Max. Marks: 
300 marks
(150 questions)
Paper – II
Library System etc
Time: 3 hrs.* Max. Marks:
150 marks
Skill Test
Skills pertaining to subject matter of the concerned post would be assessed through a skill test to be conducted by the concerned department/institution under the direct supervision of University Librarian, Deputy Librarian, College Librarian/or equivalent rank. The skill test shall be conducted in a manner to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in handling various processes associated with Library’s functioning
Time: 1 hrs The test will be of 50 marks. 
To qualify the candidate 
should obtain 25 marks This will however be only 
qualifying in nature.

*15 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates

B. Detailed Syllabus for Paper I:
(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library Information Science and recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all the spheres of library science. (#The candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD)

(ii) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.

(iii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iv) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound  Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
(v) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the English or Hindi  Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also betested. C. Paper - II: The questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s knowledge and awareness on Library and Information

D. Skill Test:
The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated. The skill test shall be conducted in a manner to check the practical knowledge of the candidate in handling various processes  associated with Library’s functioning. The candidates may be tested for his/her skills in:

  1. Search in electronic databases(online)
  2. Knowledge of specialized, open source application software forlibraries like Digital Library Software etc.
  3. Knowledge of any Indian/Foreign language as opted by the candidate from the list given below: Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Malyalam, Kannad, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish and Russian.

Scheme of Examination for Direct Recruitment to the post of Semi Professional Assistant

A. Scheme of the Examination: 

Paper Duration Marks
Paper -I (MCQ)
Library Aptitude, General Awareness etc. (150 questions)
Time: 2 hrs.* Max. Marks: 
300 marks
(150 questions)
Paper – II
Library Operations etc.
Time: 3 hrs.* Max. Marks:
150 marks

*15 minutes extra per minute would be given to Visual Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.

B. Detailed Syllabus for Paper I:

(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library Information Science and recent  development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all the spheres of library science. (#the candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of theenvironmentanditsrelevancetothesociety.Thequestionswillalsobedesignedtotestknowledgeofthe current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and her neighboring  countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.

(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include  questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory,  discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.

(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound  Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.

(iv) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the English or Hindi  Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.

C. Paper - II: The questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s knowledge and awareness on Library and Information  Science and recent development in the field and on the following subjects.

Topic Marks allocated
  1. Knowledge and application of Library and Information Science Procedures, rules & Regulations
  2. Knowledge of Computers with special reference to knowledge of Library Software Packages of Word Processing, Data Analysis Packages
Section 1 - MCQ
100 marks (50 questions)  Section 2 – Descriptive 50 marks (5 questions)



Library: Concept, Objectives, Types and Services; Role of Libraries in changing context, Library as a social  Institution; Librarianship as a Profession; Five laws of Library Science
Historical Perspective of Libraries: India, N.E., Assam; National Libraries in India, UK, USA: A Descriptive Account with Roles and Functions; Academic Libraries: University, College and school: Role,  Function; Public Libraries and Special Libraries: Roles and Functions; Extension Services at different types  of Libraries (Towards Organization and Societal Development)
Library Legislation, Co-operation and Resource Sharing: Concept, Need and Requirements; Library Networks: Concept Types and Functions at Regional, National and International level, INFLIBNET and NICNET: Organization and Activities.
Library Organizations: National –ILA, IASLIC, International-LA, IFLA, FID and UNESCO: Objectives, Role and Functions: ALA and ACLA (Assam): Historical Perspectives Role and Function, Role of UGC, NAAC (India) for development of Academic Libraries of Higher Education. RRRLF and Public library development in India
Library Classification: Need and purpose, Major schemes of Library Classification: DDC, UDC, CC; Universe of knowledge: Structure and attributes, Formation, Structure and Development of subjects.
Normative Principles in Library Classification: Fundamental Categories, Facet analysis and Facet sequence, Devices, Postulation approach, Phase Relations, Common Isolates and Standard Divisions ;Notation: Need and Functions, Types of Mnemonics, Hospitality in Array and chain ,Call number and its structure.
Library Catalogue: Objectives, Purpose and Functions, Types and Physical Forms of Catalogue, AACR-2 (entries); Centralized Cataloguing, Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP), MARC, OPAC. 
Rendering of Authors: Rendering of Personal Authors (Western Names and Indic Names), Corporate Authors, Pseudonyms, Anonymous work and uniform titles; Thesaurus: Structure functions and Construction. Subject Headings: Needs and Importance; SLSH and LCSH
Reference and Information sources: Concept, Needs, Types and Use; Kinds of Reference and Information Sources: Primary Secondary and Tertiary; Ready Reference Sources; Electronic Resources: Databases and Multimedia sources, INTERNET as a source of information; Evaluation of Basic Reference Sources.
Bibliography: Definition, Needs, Types; Bibliographic Control; Subject, National and Trade Bibliography; INB and BNB: History, Scope and Use
Reference Service: concept, need, types and scope; Reference Vs Information Service; Concept of Computer based Information Services; Information Products: Newsletter, House Bulletins, State-of-the Art Reports, Trend Reports, and Technical Digests
Documentation Services: CAS, SDI; Indexing and Abstractingservices, Translation service, Reprographic services; Literature search and Databases
Management:Concept of Management, General Principles of Management and their Application to Library Management; Library Organizational Structure; Physical Planning – Standards; Administration and Management
Documents: Selection Principles of different types of Documents, Selection tools and their importance; Acquisition Procedure and Processing: Books Journals/Periodicals, Collection Development: Policies; Resource  Mobilization.
Document management activities: Circulation work, Maintenance, Shelving and Stock Verification, Elements of Binding; Preservation: Needs, Techniques, Digital Preservation; House Keeping Operations, Automation in Library Management, User Education: Objectives, Methods; User Education Vs User Studies; 
Staff management: Library Staff- Job Analysis, in service Training, staff Manual; Library Committee, Library Rules; Human Resource Management; Library Finance: Budgeting, Accounting; Statistics and Annual Report
Computer Hardware: History, Classification and Generations; Computer Software: Operating Software and Application Software; Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows, Storage devices, Word Processing Packages
Information Technology: Definitions, Need and Components; Networking: Concept, Types, Present Trend; Library Networks: Need, Requirements and Functions, Internet for library; Hypertext, Hypermedia,  Multimedia: Concept
Introduction to SW packages: CDS/ISIS, SOUL, LIBSYS; Open source software: Koha and Greenstone;  Need, features and application in Library Services.
Library Automation: Need and Purpose, Planning Library Automation; Application of Computers in Libraries for different House Keeping Operations. 
Dewey Decimal Classification: Classification of Documents according to DDC (22nd edition) having Basic, Compound and Complex Subjects.
Colon Classification: Classification of Documents according to Colon Classification (6th rev edition) having Basic, Compound and Complex subject
MSDOS, Windows, MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint; Creation of Database in CDS/ISIS Creation of Database in SOUL
Cataloguing according to Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR-2): Books of Single Authorship, Joint Authorship, Corporate and Pseudonymous Authorship; Multivolume and Serial Publications
Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom: Concept and Type; Characteristics and Interrelationships among  data, information and knowledge; Information science and linkages with other disciplines; Information Theory;  Information as an Economic Resource: Marketing of Information Products and Services: Plan, Pricing,  Marketing Strategies of Information Products and Services
Communication : Concept, genesis and types ; Communication Process : Channels, Models and Barriers;  Library as a Communication link ; Information and Knowledge Society; Human Component in Information and  Communication system
Information Systems: Concept and types; Information Centre: Characteristics and Types; Needs and services of Information Centre; Planning and Designing of Information Centre. National Information Policy
National, Regional and International Information Systems: Characteristics and functions of NISCAIR,  NASSDOC, DESIDOC, SENDOC; ASTINFO, APINESS, SAARC, UNESCO, INIS, AGRIS, INSPEC, ISI,  ICSU, UNSIST, MEDLARS and ENVIS; Information Provider: DIALOG.
Library Automation: Trends of development in India and abroad with special reference to NE India; Criteria  for selecting Library Software Package
Library Software Packages: Commercial and Open; A Study on SOUL, CDS/ISIS, Koha, D-Space,  Greenstone
Database : Definition, Architecture and Design ; DBMS, Relational Database management systems  (RDBMS).Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge, Telecommunications: Switching Techniques, Development  of Computer Networks, Component of Networks; Network Architecture and Services, Consortium
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Concept and Components, Role in Information Services; Satellite Communication, Fiber Optic Communication, Telephone Network, Data Transmission in Telephone Network, Data Network: WAN, MAN, LAN, Wireless Networks: WiFi, WiMAX, Packet Switching, ISO-OSI Reference Model; Virtual Reality, Web Technology.
Research: Meaning, Importance and Types; Fundamental and Applied; Research Methodology, Research Problems and Hypothesis: Definition, characteristics, functions and types; LIS Research in Indian.
Research Design: Meaning, Element, types; Content Analysis; Research Methods: Descriptive, Historical,  Survey , Case Study; Data collection tools and techniques: Questionnaire, Interview, observation ,Sampling  Technique ; Projective Technique, Style Manuals-An Introduction to APA Citation Styles
Analysis, Inferences &Statistical Techniques: Nature and scope of statistics, its limitation; Measure of Central  Tendency, Mean, Median, Mode, Tabulation and Generalization; Statistical Packages  SPSS ; Report Writing
Technical Writing: Concept and Use ; Skills for Technical Writing ; Classification and Characteristics of  Technical Writing; Writing situations; Target groups in written communication, Reader-writer Relationship;  Readability and Text; Technical Editing and Editorial Tools
Digital Library and Virtual Library: Concept, Definition and Scope; Digitization: needs and Techniques; Digitization Devices and Tools; Digital Preservation; Digital Library in Web; Institutional Repository Vs  Digital Library; RFID technology: Needs and Features; Information Technology Act.
Internet: Connectivity-Dial up, Leased lines, ISDN; Protocols-HTTP, FTP; Teleconferencing, Teletex, Videotext; Internet Security: Firewall, Proxy Servers. E-Resources; Internet based Library Services
User Studies: Scope, Content and User Identification; Information Seeking Behaviour of  Different User Groups
General overview and characteristics of Library System: System Analysis, System Evaluation and System Design; Flowcharting, SWOT Analysis, PERT/CPM; Time and Motion study, Cost Effective Analysis, Bibliomatrics, Informatrics: Concept and Scope; Management Information System (MIS)
Different Management School of thoughts, Modern Management Science: Application to Library Service, Scientific Management; Knowledge Management: Concept, Need, process and Basic tools and Techniques; IM and KM; HRD, TQM. Concept of IPR; Source of Finance for Libraries and Information Centres: Budgetary Control System, Costing Techniques and Analyzing cost in Library and Information Centres
Academic Library System: Authority, collection, Personnel, services; Libraries of Higher Education in India and Role of UGC and NAAC; Library Preservation, Conservation and Restoration: Methods and  Techniques
Public Library System: Authority, Collection, Personnel, Services; Library Legislation: Need, purpose and  advantages. Library Legislation in India; Press and Registration of Books and Newspapers Act; Delivery of  Books Act;
Information Retrieval Systems: Characteristics and Objectives; Operations and Design of Information Retrieval System; Bibliographic description:An Overview, Standards for Bibliographic Record format and metadata standards: ISBD, MARC 21, UNIMARC, CCF, Doublin Core; Bibliographic Description for Non Print Material
Indexing Techniques: Pre co-ordinate Indexing and Post Coordinate Indexing, Chain Indexing, POPSI, PRECIS; Keyword Indexing: KWIC,KWOC; Citation Indexing; Web Indexing: Meaning, scope; Abstracting:  Concept and Types.
Metadata, Data Warehouse, Data Mining: Compatibility of ISAR systems, Evaluation of ISAR systems;  Indexing Languages and Vocabulary Control: NLP-Concept, Application in IRS
Information Retrieval Models: Manual/Machine; Searching: Process, Strategy. Search Techniques: Boolean Search, Proximity Search,free text search, navigational search. Internet searching: Search engines, meta search engines